plant climate meaning in English
- Temporally , annual potential evapotranspiration is from 882 to 107 lmm , with a mean value of 974mm at qiabuqia ; and it is positively correlational to precipitation and temperature , so it is beneficial for plant growth because precipitation and heat ocurs at the same growth period . ; spatially , annual potential evapotranspiration is from 485mm to 1174mm , with a mean value of 1027mm , and it ' s spatial distribution is negatively correlational to precipitation and slope , whereas positively correlational to temperature and extra solar radiation , therefore the spatio - temporal difference of water become the key factors to plant growth and plant climate potential productivity
在青海共和盆地,历年潜在蒸散平均974mm ,各月潜在蒸散与降雨和温度之间是很好的正相关,所以雨热同季有利于作物生长:年潜在蒸散的空间分布范围从485 ? 1174mm ,平均1027mm ,而且年潜在蒸散空间分布与降雨和坡度是负相关,与温度和大气外层辐射正相关,因此水分和温度的是影响作物水分耗散的重要因子,决定了共和盆地植被的气候生产力。